C1 Magazines

 what is representation 

l/o: to explore the concept of representation & stereotypes 

representation is when a piece of media is put out into the world with one point of view and is very bias as the media can pick twist and cut certain things out to gain the outcome the people want . re-present , a certain thing. 

Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games ...
katnis Everdeen is a strong teen who fought for her community in the book hunger games 
she shows the media that teens are strong protective and smart even in a life or death situation 

Legally Blonde: The Elle Woods Guide to ...
Elle woods is a strong teen going to Harvard to study law

Tom Holland reveals the 'fun' status of ...
peter parker is a super-boy who still goes to school keeping his spider-life a secret while also having good grades and friendships 
A stereotype is a generalised representation of a person, place or thing 
they are limited and often offensive or used for comedy 

Do now                                                                                                 Friday 20th September 2024 

1.representations , is when a piece of media is put out with only one point of view and how its presented to us 
2. if its bias or stereotypical as well as if its positive or negative 
3. stereotype are what you assume about a person , or what the media has made you connect one thing with another . e.g glasses= intelligence a generalisation of a person, place or thing 
4. 3 two
5.media audience 

teachers and student representation 
student , messy and not paying attention , also some kid being really hard working 
teachers, stressed but hardworking , they could also have a little laugh with the students 

representations in magazines 
L/o: To explore the representations in magazines 

mast head : what the company is called 
cover lines : subjects that are talked bout 
main image : what the image which is the biggest and largest , usually a celebrity 
main cover line: the follow on to the main image 
puff : a backing that make certain subjects more enticing 
colour pallet: the colours shown throughout the cover. 
direct address : image looks at you 
star vehicle: promotion of a product or person 
Do now                                                                                                           Friday 27 September 2024 

1. a masthead is what the company curating the magazine is called / the title 
2. coverlines
3. a sticker like shape which makes a piece of text stand up against the background 
4. if its positive or negative representation 
5. stereotypes
 representations in magazines 
1.on this cover she looks , motherly , casual and regular
2.on this cover she looks , cool, busy and rock 
3. on this cover she looks sophisticated, popular and wealthy 

 i believe these three different representations are different if because they are for different audiences and have a different genre 

Carrie Underwood: What's under 'every dress' she wears

beautiful, famous , 

the differences between the two cover are that they are aimed at a different gendered audience , the one with carrie underwood includes a lot of cover lines about appearance and love also lots of "feminine" colours. while the magazine including David Beckham ( a footballer) includes a lot of cover lines about football and clothing with a lot of "masculine" colours.  I believe its because it will conventionally gravitate towards target audiences  

the males are presented on the gq cover are seen as powerful active and professional 
while the females are represented on the cosmo cover as seen as sexual and need to be conventionally beautiful and confident 
Do Now.                                                                                          Friday, 4th October 2024

1. it would revolve around the star vehicle on the main cover , bold , over the main image , bigger that the other cover lines 
2. direct address is when the cover image is looking at you 
3. puff 
4. blue 
5. when a living human is being represented like an object 
Representation Task 

l/o: to create magazine covers showing an understanding of representation 


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